Bidborough Cricket Club President IX vs Heffle Cuckoos Cricket Club
Its that time of the year where the diary is all stacked with events, awards and presentations and one of the most important of all is the annual Presidents Day.
The Presidents match has been reconstituted this year to get back as closely as we can to many wonderful President’s Days over the years so successfully organised by Edward and Jenny Keates. Getting anywhere even close will be an achievement but we will give the day our best. The cricket will consist of an all day match starting at 11am with lunch for the VP’s and LVP’s scheduled for around 1.45pm
A Sunday has been chosen for good reason as so many players could not get week days off from work and as a club, it would be fantastic to have as many people down to enjoy the day.
For those of you who don’t know the Heffle Cuckoos, they are a team made up of talented local players who have been touring Torquay for many years. A fair few Bidborough players have had the privilege to tour with the Cuckoos. Hence they have been invited to play Bidborough on our Presidents Day. They are made up of strong local cricketers who are also a very friendly and sociable side.
This is a guaranteed good day out for cricket and socialising, so it would be great to see as many people down at the club as possible. There will be a bar , so you can have a couple of Pimms and Shandy’s while watching the cricket!