Great news!
Our application to purchase new mobile covers as part of the Waitrose sponsored scheme to ‘get the game on’ has been approved by Kent County Cricket Club and while there are a number of further stages to go through, we are confident that we will get the go ahead. Kent receives a grant of £70,000 a year and we have been awarded a sum of £3,300 to buy covers – some 50 clubs have however been unsuccessful.
To buy all the equipment that we need to meet the specific topography of the ground, we need to fund £1,000 from our own resources. Knowing that our Treasurer would be slightly put out by this request, we have sought some sponsorship of the covers and are pleased to say that contributions from Adobe and La Lipu in Southborough (BCC club discount being negotiated- more details to follow ) will cover this sum so Robin Foster can sleep easy for now.
The covers are county standard and come in 3 x eight metre trains which will provide good covering without the need for sheets and tyres of recent years. Two of the covers are still available for company branding… logo, website address, telephone number etc. There is already strong interest from a number of parties.
We feel there is a massive branding/sponsorship opportunity for any local businesses; the purpose of this letter is to understand if there are any of you who have or know a business that might be interested in sponsoring a cover or other areas of Bidborough CC (Colts section, stumps, scoreboard etc.) and if so, to make contact ASAP so we can set up a conversation about it.
For example company logo and details on a mobiles cover would only cost £500 for 3 years (£166 per year) and also recognising that an individual or company can offset any donation made against tax, anywhere between 20-40%, thus effectively further reducing any donations/sponsorship.
We are most grateful to Adobe and La Lipu for their support which is all being done in conjunction with our main sponsor, the Kentish Hare, which plays an important role in the life of the Club and where the trophy for winning the league is proudly displayed. Equally we should acknowledge the major contribution from Waitrose and if you are uncertain where to shop in the coming weeks, there is one reason to go to their store. We have written to the local store to see if we can do anything further with regard to additional support at the individual store level – we will keep you posted of developments.
One reason for pursuing such sponsorship opportunities is that we are continuing to move forward with our plans for a new pavilion. We have had contact with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council with regard to a pre planning application and they have given us the green light to proceed to a full application. We now plan to employ specialist consultants to assist with this application so any moneys raised from the covers will assist in covering this cost.
I suppose what I am warning you about is that this small opportunity is a mere flavour of a major fundraising that will be necessary should we receive planning approval. Any ideas or suggestions as to good money making ideas will be gratefully received.
In sourcing the grant for the covers, let me thank Clint Hillhouse for all his work in putting together the application and he can advise of how logos can be shown on the covers while the success of the fundraising is down to Robin Underwood and his excellent contacts. A very strong team effort without having to be particularly nice to the Treasurer, a big success in every way.
The season is approaching so look forward to seeing you all soon but in the meantime , if there interest in being part of the new mobile covers and we really hope that there will be since this will be very visible to the Bidborough public who pass the recreation ground every day. If you would like further information or would like to explore the opportunity please do not hesitate to contact